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Concert: Vocaal Ensemble TIEN

Concerts continue at ERC Amsterdam with Vocaal Ensemble TIEN, led by Eduardo López Cabello

ERC Amsterdam is delighted to present Vocaal Ensemble TIEN, led by Eduardo López Cabello.

Vocaal Ensemble TIEN presents a new program titled Devotion: Religious and worldly inspiration.

The focus is on religious devotion, as expressed by Desprez and Okeghem, but also on secular devotion, devotion to nature, or to a loved one – convincingly expressed by Evelin Seppar in Near (2012).

But it is about more than worship. Devotion also has to do with intense experience, eye for detail, deep interest. A form of spirituality that, among other things, is beautifully expressed in the miniatures by Rilke, set to music by Hindemith. The program also includes Gregorian Marian chants and works by KreekTormisPoulenc and López Cabello.

TIEN worked intensively on this program with conductor Lodewijk van der Ree during a wonderful summer week. This was preceded by a thorough rehearsal period under the inspiring leadership of Eduardo López Cabello, who will conduct the concert.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please see the Vocaal Ensemble TIEN website:

19 September

Worship Service

26 September

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