
Ensuring a Safe Church for All

Our Church seeks to safeguard the welfare of all people who come into contact with the Church and its services.

The Gospel proclaims that it’s the responsibility of everyone within the fellowship of the Church to prevent harm, be it physical, sexual or emotional, and we will always seek to reduce risk.

Our Church’s commitment to safeguarding reminds us that God cares passionately about the welfare and wellbeing of all people.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to our Safeguarding Coordinator who will then contact the Safeguarding Service.

Harm/abuse includes ‘risk of harm’, historical abuse and risk posed by a sex offender attending worship.

Safeguarding Coordinator: Inkie Tjia


For more information about safeguarding, visit the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service page here.