Suzie Flanagan, Adam Assen - Conductors; Tristan Hall, organist
Caterham School is located in Surrey, near London. We are delighted to bring two of our choirs to perform in
The Netherlands and it is wonderful to have your support. Our choirs have great successes and
they have performed at many wonderful venues in the UK and abroad.
These include St. Peter’s (Vatican City, Italy) St. Nicholas (Czech Republic), Brussels Cathedral (Belgium),
La Madelaine (Paris), Chapel Royal Hampton Court (England).
We present to you a programme of choral music by British composers:
Ave Maria - Bullard
Litany to the Holy Spirit- Hurford
Love Divine - Goodall
The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Rutter
Kyrie and Gloria - Archer
Be Glad In The Lord and Rejoice - Pascoe
O Taste and see - Vaughan Williams
Lead Me, Lord - Wesley
Lord, I Trust Thee - Handel
Ave Verum Corpus - Elgar
Drop Down Ye Heavens - Lapwood
Mother of God, Here I stand - Tavener
Agnus Dei - Jenkins
Abide with Me T- raditional
O Praise Ye the Lord - Parry
FREE entry; voluntary collection at the exit.