1 April

Dear Friends,

It appears that it was not only the clocks that changed last weekend, the weather too has changed. Having been so used to bright sunny days it seems that over the next week we will have to settle for cloudy days and some rain. As always, what is disappointing for some is relief for others. I suspect there will be plenty of farmers and gardeners pleased to see a little rain. Those touring the fields at Keukenhof may feel differently.

As we approach the end of Lent and begin to move into the heart of the Easter festival, we are reminded of the very different ways the events of Easter were experienced at the time. For the disciples it was an anxious time. They knew that Jesus’ determination to be in Jerusalem for the Passover would lead to trouble. For the religious authorities there was the welcome opportunity to rid themselves of a troublemaker. But no one, not the religious leaders, not the soldiers at the tomb, not the disciples could have foreseen the final outcome, the resurrection.

Our circumstances can change like the weather – bright today, dark tomorrow. Whatever our experience of life, maybe we can be encouraged by the knowledge that, because of the resurrection, up ahead lies glory!

David McMillian

(Locum minister)


6 April


24 March