1 February

Dear Friends,

This Sunday is all about rhythm. Paul aims to remind the fractured community in Corinth that love is the essential rhythm of life to which all are invited to dance. He uses beautiful imagery to convey his message: without love, he says, we are like noisy gongs or clanging cymbals. As a parent of a toddler experimenting with pots and pans to develop his musical abilities, I can confidently say that Paul was right—there are few sounds more jarring than untimed cymbals.

Paul’s imagery reminded me of the origins of the word “djembe”. It is believed that this specific type of African drum originated with the Mandinke tribe in what is now known as Mali in the 12th century. Used for storytelling, rituals, and later, entertainment, the drum plays a central role in community life. Some say that the name “djembe” comes from the Bamana words “anke djé, anke bé,” which mean “gather” and “everyone.” Over time, this phrase evolved into “jebebara,” and eventually became “jembe.” However, the meaning has remained constant: when you hear the drum, you know it signifies “everyone, gather together.”

Isn’t this what love does? It serves as the underlying rhythm inviting us towards togetherness.When we hear it played or see it performed, we are beckoned to join in. We are invited to take our place in the grand symphony of life, contributing to a richer sound alongside all the other musicians.

If you want to enjoy excellent Djembe playing, listen to this song by master drummer Famoudou Konaté from Guinea:


Marius Louw


8 February


25 January