11 November

Dear Friends,

As I approach my last Sunday in the English Reformed Church the first thing I would like to do is to thank you all for the warmth of your welcome to Moira and myself. It has been quite remarkable and will stay with us for a long time. We have also greatly enjoyed living in the manse and seeing the city of Amsterdam. We will be back!

We return home on Monday and on Tuesday I will take up my next locumship at St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh where I am already the Interim Moderator.

I wish you well in the future and, in particular, I will be thinking about the work of the Nominating Committee as they seek to discern whom God may be calling to work with the congregation in the years that lie ahead.  Whoever becomes the next Minister will be fortunate indeed.

Best wishes,

George Whyte

Locum Minister


15 February


2 November