14 April

Dear friends

With the church full to overflowing, the wonderful variety of music from the choir, the Hallelujah chorus as the offering was brought forward, the brass quintet, and Richard giving it everything he had on both organs, Easter Sunday was a special and triumphant occasion.

What a joy to be part of such an international congregation, one small part of the worldwide church, celebrating an empty tomb and a risen Lord.

And what a contrast to the first Easter, when the disciples were thrown into complete confusion, not knowing what to do or where to turn

As the gospels report, such was their confusion, one of them, Thomas, refused to believe the others when they told him Jesus was alive again.

Poor Thomas
Doubting Tomas

And the story of Thomas will be the theme of my final Sunday as your locum minister.

Thank you for inviting me back - and keeping the church and the country open this time - it has been a wonderful experience and you have made us feel so welcome.

We return to Scotland with the happiest memories, the people we have met, the friends we have made , and please be assured of my thoughts and prayers as you begin looking for a new minister.

With every blessing



22 April


7 April