14 August

Dear Friends,
For me, one of the delights about being here in the summer has always been the freedom to choose passages on which to preach. The rest of the year, I follow the three year lectionary (calendar of readings); but because I am nearly always in Amsterdam on the same weeks, I change my habit.

I am constantly reminded of the warning given by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian and martyr who wrote that 'there is an element of truth in the contention that our preaching is too dogmatic, and hopelessly irrelevant to life.' So, during August, I am looking at issues of common concern which rarely are addressed from the perspective of biblical witness. Last Sunday was, by far, the most difficult issue. Child sexual abuse is an subject which, with exception of child protection measures, we tend to keep out of polite conversation. But the Bible addresses it, ironically in passages which are not on the Sunday readings schedule. In future Sundays I'll look at other issues in which God through scripture and in Jesus has declared an interest.

Many of you will be aware that Susan Polstra, our church officer, is on leave at the moment and has a very capable deputy in Anja, her daughter. Susan is being treated for lymphoma, a process which takes months rather than weeks. She is responding well to treatment, keeps in good spirits and is grateful for the concern people have expressed. Do keep Susan and her family in your prayers.

Every blessing,


Sunday, 10.30 hrs:

Morning Worship

Live-streamed serviceYou can access this just before 10.30 am:

Our readings for this Sunday are 2 Samuel 13: 7-14 & 21 and Matthew 18:1-7


In this time there may be people who feel especially in need of prayer either for themselves or for someone else. In 'normal' times there was a small group of people in the congregation who used to take it in turns on Sundays to be available after the service to pray for anyone in need - so, if you would like prayer or have a particular prayer request please contact Margaret Richards on  margaretanne_richards@hotmail.com  and she and the others will pray accordingly.

A word about finance

Please note that in this period when we are not meeting together there is a way of giving to the church on the website, https://www.erc.amsterdam


21 August


7 August