16 December

Dear Friends,

Although the Covid restrictions mean the normal Sunday School nativity is not possible this year, an alternative nativity is planned for Sunday morning.

With carols, readings, the choir and a nativity set, during the first part of Sunday's service the children and young people will help us celebrate the gospel story of Jesus' birth.

Following the nativity the children will leave for a Christmas party in the church hall and the service will continue with the Magnificat, Mary's great hymn of praise.

And all being well, our daughter and grandchildren will join us at the service this weekend

On Wednesday evening the Bible study group explored Luke's weaving together the stories of two births - John the Baptist and Jesus - and then everyone shared their favourite carol and what it said to them about the meaning of Christmas.

It was so interesting to listen to such a variety of thoughts and insights

 And Margaret and I continued to explore this wonderful city with a visit to the Amsterdam museum and a cruise on a canal boat - such fun!

Russell Barr


22 December


8 December