16 March

Dear Friends,

On Monday morning Dorothy and I visited the Van Gogh museum. We had been there before when living in the Netherlands, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience as it was almost impossible to see any of the paintings because of the crowds of people. There’s no doubt that living so close to the Museumplein has its benefits, because this time we were able to be in ahead of the crowds – an altogether much more pleasant experience.

While there are many fabulous paintings in the exhibition, the one that really struck me on this visit was Wheatfield with Crows. Its darkening sky, the crows taking flight and the path that seems to come from nowhere and lead to nowhere are strong images portraying the sadness and extreme loneliness Van Gogh wanted to communicate. However, even though this was painted in the last weeks of his life when he was suffering mentally, he still looked for hope and was fortified by what he saw in the countryside. As I observed the painting I could not but think of the many refugees fleeing Ukraine in all directions and the myriad stories of loss and loneliness that they must carry with them. The skies over our continent are still growing dark and foreboding but we must continue to hold on to a sense of hope that in the mercy of God some end to the violence and destruction will soon be in sight.

I have been greatly struck by the way the bible lessons in the lectionary seem so particularly appropriate for this time of war and heightened uncertainty. This coming Sunday we will be reflecting on Luke 13:1-9. There is threat, loss and tragedy in the story Luke tells but there is also a message of human responsibility and God’s patience with us wayward humans.

It has been uplifting to once again hear congregational singing, to hear the buzz of conversations before and after the service and to meet many new faces at the services. We do hope you can join us on Sunday and add to and benefit from the fellowship in worship.

David McMillan
(Locum minister)

PS, you can see Van Gogh’s Wheatfield and Crows if you click on this link: Vincent van Gogh - Wheatfield with Crows - Van Gogh Museum 


24 March


12 March