2 September

Dear Friends,

A couple of days ago I managed to leave my backpack on the tram. The only thing of value in it was Adrienne’s mobile ‘phone, containing many family photos which were irreplaceable.

At first we were uncertain about what to do, but after the initial panic had died down, we decided we should pray about it and ask our friends to pray also.

After a while we discovered the iLost website. Displayed on the website were photographs of items which had been found - bags, keys, jackets, hats, OV-chipkaarts etc. As I painstakingly worked my way through the photos, I was dismayed to find that my bag did not feature. I continued to check regularly, but to no avail. 

The next day I checked again and eventually, there it was, all I had to do was identify the contents. I travelled up to the iLost office, gave the number I had received and was reunited with the bag. The mobile ‘phone and everything else was still there.

Adrienne was overjoyed! 

Someone had found the bag on the tram and handed it in, demonstrating that there are many honest people here in our city.

Jesus told a story about a lost coin in Luke 15 v 8-10. If He had told it today it may well have been about a lost mobile phone. Jesus tells us that there was much rejoicing over the precious item which was lost and then found. 

In Isaiah 43 v 4, God tells us: “You are precious in my sight and honoured, and I love you.”

The Lord values us greatly, He welcomes us and rejoices over us when we come to Him in faith and trust.

The Lord bless you,


Rev. Scott Guy

(Locum minister)


9 September


25 August