28 May

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, when the Spirit was poured out in dramatic fashion upon the gathered disciples, and others, who had gathered to mark the Jewish Festival of Shavuot, and which is also called the birth of the church.

We shall be singing more than usual, the choir will be in attendance, so do come along to this “Songs of Praise” celebration.

This is my last Sunday with you, and so please accept in advance my thanks for the privilege of sharing these times of worship and fellowship among you. At the risk of leaving someone out, may I especially thank those who carry out the often unseen and unsung tasks which ensure the smooth running of the congregational worship and work. The scriba team of Elisabeth, Sies and Mattia, Susan, and Thijs, and others who manage the techy stuff behind the scenes, the duty elders, also Heleen, Anja, Rosemarie, the providers of tea and coffee, the Scripture readers and the pray-ers, Rob, for his patience and endless good humour in organising the links for the Manse Bible studies, Peggy, and those who participated in these, and last but certainly not least, may I pay tribute to the fabulous Choir and the soloists, and to the amazing Richard. You are a wonderfully diverse and gifted group of folks, and you have all been very patient and understanding of my foibles and quirks. So thank you all, and forgive me (remember that sermon!) if I have left anyone out.

On a closing note may I pass on the Vondelpark news that the stork chicks have hatched, and with perseverance and patient observance, are in evidence in the nest. This has given me great joy and has provided a fitting and very gratifying conclusion to my sojourn here.

Wishing you all God’s richest blessing, as you welcome back John, as your returning locum, and kickstart your search for a new minister, a most exciting phase in the life of the congregation.

With thanks and love to all,



1 June


20 May