22 August

Dear Friends,

What a privilege to serve the very ancient English Reformed Church here in Amsterdam!  There is a real sense of God’s unfailing care just by being in a building which has been home for centuries with a congregation that is so very strong and vibrant.  My six weeks with you will be like a drop in the ocean in the life of the church, but it has already become a significant event in my entire ministry.  Thank you for your very warm welcome to Judith and me. 

 And yet, rather than looking back, our job is to look forward.  The entire wider church is going through a terrible time of change but, as someone once said, “The problems before you are never greater than the power behind you!” and I’m sure that we will discover this to be true.  In the meantime, I am very pleased to be your locum until the end of September and I am looking forward to getting to know you better as you prepare for the next phase in the life of the ERC.   


Alan Sorensen

Locum Minister


30 August


17 August