23 April

Dear Friends


Hilary and I are delighted to be with you once again. I served as locum here in May, 2014 during the last vacancy. Indeed Lance came to preach as nominee and we were delighted to offer Sally and Lance a guest room in the manse, which was soon to be their home.

In 2014 we bought a little souvenir of this city, a Christmas tree decoration of two miniature clogs. Every Christmas when decorating our tree, we are reminded of the time we spent in the fellowship of ERC.

Much has happened since then and indeed the world is a much more frightening place now. Mr. Pandemic and Mr. Putin have ensured that our sense of security has taken a double blow. 

Therefore we have all the more reason to seek the presence of God in worship, praise, prayer and sacrament. We have all the more reason to gather together for mutual support as we seek to witness to Christ in difficult times. Surely today is a period of crisis when we are called to do the best of things in the worst of times and keep on trusting Him.

Denis Campbell

(Locum minister)


30 April


15 April