23 August

Dear Friends,

A favourite photo

My favourite photograph of our granddaughter was taken when she was just four. Her father snapped her from behind as they were strolling on the coastal path below our cottage.

There she is, a carefree four-year-old, skipping along in the sunlight. On her left are the waves of Belfast Lough; on her right is rough grass. The stony path bends away to the right and out of sight. 

When I first saw the photo, I was overwhelmed by the message it seemed to be delivering to me. The path represents Isla’s life which stretches into the future beyond the reach of grandparents.

We cannot follow her all the way. Nor will we be always at hand to help her and her parents as they cope with life’s many challenges. We cannot follow Isla but we can pray for her. Our prayers go with her as she skips out of our sight into the future.

May the Christ who holds the future answer our prayers!

Denis Campbell


31 August


17 August