23 February

Dear Friends,

Thank you for the invitation to return to the Netherlands and share in the ministry of the ERC as locum minister. Many of you will be aware that Dorothy and I lived in the Netherlands from 2016-2020. Our home was in Nieuw Vennep and we worked with the International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS) based at Postjesweg in the Nieuw West area of the city. We made many friends in Nieuw Vennep as well as at IBTS and the VU Amsterdam. We also greatly appreciated the fellowship extended to us at the ERC during those years.

The last time I preached in the ERC was March 8, 2020, and I believe that was the last Sunday that the church was open before meeting together was restricted by the covid regulations. It is a great privilege to be back when restrictions are being lifted and meeting together on Sunday morning begins to return to normal. We are very much looking forward to seeing friends old and new joining us for worship on Sunday morning.

This coming Sunday marks the Transfiguration, a major event prior to the beginning of Lent. The text on which we will be reflecting is Luke 9:28-43 – you might like to have a read at it before Sunday.

Wednesday 2 March is Ash Wednesday and we will begin a series of Bible studies based on 1 Peter that will carry on each Wednesday evening during Lent. If you haven’t been involved in the Bible studies before, you are very welcome to join online (contact minister@erc.amsterdam). On March 2 we will be taking time to mark the start of Lent with some reflections and prayers as well as considering themes from the first chapter of 1 Peter.

The news is full of the encouraging relaxation of covid restrictions and at the same time the looming prospect of war in Ukraine. Let us give thanks for all the blessings we experience in the Netherlands and at the same time pray for peace and reconciliation in Ukraine/Russia relationships.

David McMillan
(Locum minister)


2 March


17 February