26 October

Dear Friends,


The new week which begins on Sunday includes 1st November which in the Christian calendar is All Saints Day.  It is a day to remember all those Christian saints who do not have a day of their own during the year. "All Saints" include those workers for God's Kingdom who have given us shared gifts like a beautiful church building, hymns to sing, bibles to read in our own language, ways in which we can work together. But also in that great company of less-famous saints are the people who brought us into the life of faith.

For some that might be the parents who raised us in the life of the church. For others it may be the individuals who drew you into belief in Jesus Christ. All Saints Day is a chance for us to thank God for those good Christians of other times who placed the Gospel into our hands and who, with God's help, set our feet on the journey of discipleship. Where we would be without their influence for good?



Locum Minister


2 November


19 October