6 June

Dear Friends,

As Moira and I share these few weeks with you, I’m reminded that our individual journeys of faith interconnect from time to time, allowing us to share our journeys (even if only briefly). This should help to remind us that we’re on a shared journey of faith as we seek to follow in the way of Jesus. While each of us is on our own journey, we need there to be a shared community aspect to our journeys. After all, our Christian faith is a relational faith in that we are all brothers and sisters of Jesus. But, more than that, God is relational: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So, just as God lives in relationship, our faith requires us to live in relationships: something that we live out by being part of a faith community, such as the ERC. 

May we therefore travel these next few weeks together as our journeys of faith converge and coalesce and as you prepare for a new stage on your journey as you approach the start of a new ministry with Marius Louw. 

Let’s pray that this new ministry may be a blessing both to the community of faith that is the ERC, to the broader community of which you are part (namely, the International Presbytery) and to Marius and his family as they continue their journey of faith. 

As our journeys take us further into summer, may we all be blessed with some summer weather!



14 June


2 June