05 July

It is good to give thanks to the Lord, for God's love endures forever." (Ps. 107)

Great gratitude is how Ginger and I feel as we meet more and more of the church family at ERC. Thank you for giving us this experience of worshipping and serving with you this summer. Thank you for welcoming us so warmly - individuals and as a community - on the last Sunday of June. We so much look forward to the month of July together. 

For the last 35 years, we have been fully engaged in leading congregations in the Presbyterian Church USA - three different churches: Pickens SC, Blacksburg, VA, and Richmond, VA. We are delighted to be in Amsterdam - our first visit since 1978. We are honored to come alongside such a faithful and committed church, to add a bit to your energy this summer, and to assist ERC as you make your way toward a new chapter with a new minister. 

May God bless you and bless us all as we carry on. We look forward to all the ways that the Spirit will work to engage us, enthuse us, and send us forward in faithfulness. Perhaps we will see you this coming Sunday - another day for worship and with Holy Communion. We will also welcome some friends from Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi and celebrate that partnership. Ginger and I know that hospital well from our years of partnering with them too. 

Warmest greetings and blessings to all. 



13 July


14 June