13 July

Dear Friends,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding."

As people of faith, we keep on striving to trust God's loving presence and care and to serve God with our lives. Ginger and I continue to be inspired by the faithfulness and devotion of this church family. It was lovely to have partners from Mulanje Mission Hospital with us recently. 

In these coming weeks, as you may have noted, I am leading a time of study and reflection: “Sincere Questions, Sincere Faith.”  Faith is a journey – not an easy one. When we can ask questions, and learn and grow together, our faith deepens, our love increases, and our lives are shaped more in trusting and serving God. So I hope you might consider coming to this time of fellowship and faithfulness. We are meeting on the Thursdays of July in the Consistory - at the church - at Noon for an hour or more. Bring your lunch and be part of this venture. I look forward to knowing you better and sharing with you.

If you would like to prepare for worship this coming Sunday, read Psalm 46. We live in interesting times and yet God is our refuge and strength. You are also invited to look again at Colossians 3:12-17 - a nice recipe for Christian living.  May God's Spirit guide us all. 

I look forward to seeing you soon.




19 July


05 July