19 July

Dear Friends,

Gratitude abounds from my heart – to God and to each of you - as we carry on. Ginger and I continue to enjoy so much our time in your midst at ERC. 

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby once used a helpful phrase: “GO-GO.”  GO-GO stands for “Go On, Going On!” This is sometimes all we can do – as individuals, as a church family, as God’s people. 

GO-GO. Some days, some seasons are very difficult for us – and we keep waking up each day and try to “go on.” Some chapters of life are dark and dreary, uncertain and full of fear; we can only “go on, going on.” Other times are full of joy and thanksgiving. Other moments, short or long periods, are full of goodness and grace. Yet we keep “going on.”

Jesus certainly embodied a “GO-GO” perspective, facing setbacks and criticism, moving through difficult seasons in his life. Jesus kept trusting God and serving God – going on.

As we move through this summer season, with continuing changes and uncertainty near and far, I hope you will keep going on – with your presence and faithfulness related to ERC. We all need each other, and the church community certainly needs you – your devotion, your commitments, your gifts and talents. As we “go on, going on,” God will certainly bless us and keep us. May God’s blessings cover you in these days. 




27 July


13 July