27 July

Dear ERC Family,

One of the joys of life in the manse has been reading a book on the shelf in the study - a book by John Bell, Known Unknowns - new texts for familiar hymn tunes. I trust that you all know the familiar tune "Wondrous Love"; "what wondrous love is this, O my soul."  John has written new words for that familiar tune. So hum that tune and think about these words:  

Shall we who bear his name, stay the same, stay the same? 

Shall we who bear his name stay the same? 

Or shall we turn our face towards another place 

and hearing words of grace meant for all, great and small, 

respond to Jesus' promise and call?

To God we give ourselves, body, mind, heart and soul;

to God we give our mind, heart, and soul.

O Jesus now instill a passion for your will

to love all people and, in our care of the earth,

walk in your way and cherish our worth.

My time here at ERC as your Locum Minister is coming to an end all too quickly. Ginger and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing life and worship, faith and fellowship across these 5 weeks. We feel such warmth and affection for this church family and feel such extreme gratitude for the privilege of serving alongside you. Thank you for welcoming us, for encouraging us, and for allowing us to encourage you in faith and discipleship. You have our prayers and care as we return home to Virginia and the USA. Perhaps our paths will cross again before too long. We certainly know a welcoming and gracious congregation in the heart of Amsterdam. Keep on! 

May God's peace and blessings abound with you and all people everywhere.

I hope to see you in worship this coming Sunday, or sometime in God's good plans.


Alex Evans


2 August


19 July