10 November

Note from ERC Consistory: as of Sunday 14th November we ask that everyone wear a face mask while entering and leaving the Church, as well as when moving about within the Church. We also remind you, while in the Church, to keep 1.5m distance from others.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Dear Friends,

It hardly seems possible a week has passed since we arrived in Amsterdam. As you can imagine it has been a busy few days but I am glad to say we are settling well into the Manse and beginning to explore the city. 

Margaret and I were pleased to be at Dam Square on Saturday to take part in the COP 26 rally.

It was a delight to lead my first service on Sunday, the music from Richard and Giles was wonderful, and we felt very welcomed by the congregation.

Margaret joined the knitting group on Monday and has made her first Christmas angel.

I met colleagues from the Mennonite, Lutheran and Roman Catholic congregations to plan the ecumenical carol service at the Singel Kerk on December 19 (4.00pm) and I also had lunch with Richard so we could make plans for the various Advent and Christmas services in the church.

On Saturday I am looking forward to leading the Ceremony of Remembrance with the RAF (1077) Amsterdam Branch at De Nieuwe Ooster. The service will have a special resonance for me as my late father was an RAF officer who served during the 2nd World War in North Africa, Italy and the Far East. 

And as well as speaking a little more about COP 26, Sunday's worship service will include an Act of Remembrance.

We have also been walking for miles, enjoying some of Amsterdam's sights and sounds, its cafes and restaurants, and booked tickets for a Classical Christmas Concert in the Concertgebouw.

So a busy few days, great fun, and thank you for making us welcome.



18 November


4 November