4 November

Dear friends

Thankfully all our travel arrangements worked out well, the paperwork was in order, Margaret and I are safely installed in the Manse, and for the next three months I am looking forward to being your locum.

It was in the early 1970's that I first heard about the English Reformed Church when the Reverend Colin Bell, a minister in my home town of Kilmarnock, came to be the minister of the congregation.

Since Colin's untimely death in 1978, I have continued to hear about the life and activities of the church through my friend, John Bell, and then more recently from John Cowie when he moved from Amsterdam to a neighbouring parish in Edinburgh.

So, having heard a great deal about the congregation, and its beautiful setting in the heart of Amsterdam, it is a great privilege to be here and to share in something of the life and worship of the congregation.

As locum my main responsibility will be to lead Sunday worship, something I am looking forward to doing very much indeed.

I will also be glad to participate in some of the congregation's other activities, for example, the coffee morning and the Bible study group, and to offer such pastoral support and care as is appropriate.

Margaret and I are also looking forward to living in Amsterdam and exploring many of its wonderful museums, concert halls, parks and restaurants.

And if someone can help me arrange a visit to watch Ajax, that would be much appreciated.

Will look forward to meeting you.

With best wishes,

Russell Barr


10 November


4 September