4 September

Dear Friends,

As you will know last Sunday was Rev John Bell’s final Sunday with us after having been our locum throughout July and August.

 In September and October we are pleased to welcome the following ministers/preachers who will lead our worship:

 Sept 5: Rev Eric Foggitt 
Sept 12: Rev David Asare
Sept 19 Veronica Garcia Robles
Sept 26: Ds Jantien de Vries
Oct 3: TBC
Oct 10: Ds Robert Jan Bakker
Oct 17: Rev Eric Foggitt
Oct 24: Rev Irene Bom
Oct 31: Ds Alexander Noordijk

During this time no pastoral letter from the minister/preacher will be shared. This will resume as of November when the Very Rev Dr Russell Barr will join us as locum for three months. 

We also wanted to share with you the following:

Covid-19 regulations: As of September 5th the number of people who can attend Sunday service will be raised to 65. This is the maximum capacity with which we can ensure social distancing is maintained. Consistory asks for your cooperation in following the direction of elders on duty at Church before, during and after the service. 

Night of the Refugee appeal: During the night of September 11-12th a team of six people from our church will walk 40 km through the night to support refugees worldwide. Please support them, and more importantly refugees, by donating any amount - small or large through this link HERE.

Thank you so much for your support! And the English Reformed Church has generously offered to double the donations received by the team.

 Best wishes,

 The ERC Consistory


4 November


28 August