12 June

Dear Friends,

This week I would like to make a big plug for the third of our Summer Prom concerts this Sunday, June 13th, in support of the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi. The concert features Café de Chansons and special guests in a programme of French popular song. Café de Chansons played the Mulanje Mission Hospital Concert a couple of years ago and were absolutely wonderful. The concert will go up on our website at 13.00 hrs and I thoroughly recommend that you access it at some point.

Apart from that, the main item this week is to remind you to book in for the coming services, which will be my last, and when we will be opening up the church to a limited congregation - it remains to be seen what number will be able to host. As I wrote last week, you are invited to register for Sundays June 20th, June 27th and / or July 4th. Consistory will then allocate people to each of these three Sundays, trying to ensure that everyone gets a chance to attend at least once. We hope to arrange Creche and Sunday School, if required, though July 4th will be Holy Communion and therefore an all-age service.

Please note that registration will close on Sunday June 13th at 18.00 hrs!

If you wish to register for one or more of these Sundays, you may do so by:

  • visiting our website, erc.amsterdam where you will find directions on the Homepage to the registration form. There you will be able to register for any of these dates when you are available and would like to attend.

  • contacting your elder and asking them to register you;

  • contacting Lance - 020 672 2288 - and he will register you.

As soon as possible after registration closes on June 13th you will be notified which dates you will be able to attend.

I do hope that this will work for everyone and that you will all be able to attend at least one - and possibly more - services.
After July 4th? Watch this space!

One other matter... as we open up the church we could do with some stewards to help the elders supervise as people enter and leave the church. If you would be willing to do this, could you contact either me or your elder? Many thanks!
All best wishes - and keep safe and well,


Sunday, 10.30 hrs: Morning Worship
Live-streamed serviceYou can access this just before 10.30 am:

Our reading for this Sunday is 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13, where Israel pursues its search for a king.

Sunday, 21.00 hrs: Compline (short evening prayers): Join at: https://zoom.us/j/91386497205?pwd=YUN5dnRLOWlybHDSV250aHdJcnhiQT09 

Tuesday, 08.45 hrs: Psalm Reciting (this week Psalms 65-70). We will not meet at the church for this, but you might like to participate from your own home at 8.45 or some other time.

Wednesday, 19.30 hrs: Bible Study on Zoom. All welcome to join us os: https://zoom.us/j/92316847530?pwd=TjdObHBvcmVTRWM4bWprS2QrenBnQT09  

Thursday, 21.00hrs: Compline (short evening prayer): join at: https://zoom.us/j/91386497205?pwd=YUN5dnRLOWlybHDSV250aHdJcnhiQT09 



In this time there may be people who feel especially in need of prayer either for themselves or for someone else. In 'normal' times there was a small group of people in the congregation who used to take it in turns on Sundays to be available after the service to pray for anyone in need - so, if you would like prayer or have a particular prayer request please contact Margaret Richards on  margaretanne_richards@hotmail.com  and she and the others will pray accordingly.

A word about finance….

Please note that in this period when we are not meeting together there is a way of giving to the church on the website, https://www.erc.amsterdam


19 June


5 June