19 June

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you once more at the end of week in which quite a bit of my time has gone into preparing for a return to church this Sunday of at least a limited congregation. It's frustrating that numbers continue to have to be kept down - but a joy nevertheless to anticipate some 'live' fellowship and seeing one another face to face. We are working hard to make sure that as many of you as possible can attend as often as possible in the next three weeks and we're taking this one week at a time. Early next week I will be contacting those who have applied for seats next Sunday, June 27th, and letting you know if you will be able to come.

One other thing...in the scheme of Bible readings that we use for our services, Psalm 20 was one of the readings for last Sunday. The psalm begins with the words:

The Lord answer you in the day of trouble!
The name of the God of Jacob protect you!
May he send you help from the sanctuary,
and give you support from Zion.

What I notice about those words is that they seem to be addressed to people who are scattered. The prayer is for God's help to be sent from the sanctuary - i.e. from the temple, and that support might be given 'from Zion' - in other words for Jerusalem. It seems that the psalmist is praying blessing upon people who are not in proximity to the temple and to Jerusalem, where God's people gather and celebrate together, and who are maybe missing this. Well, what a perfect message for us. Thank God for some return to gathering together for worship and fellowship this Sunday. But to those who are still missing it - in the words of the psalmist, may God protect you and send you help from the sanctuary!

All best wishes - and keep safe and well,

Sunday, 10.30 hrs: Morning Worship; this will be a livestreamed service, along with a restricted congregation in the church. You can access this the livestream just before 10.30 am:

Our reading for this Sunday is 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-49, the story of David and Goliath.

Sunday, 21.00 hrs: Compline; (short evening prayers): join at: https://zoom.us/j/91386497205?pwd=YUN5dnRLOWlybHDSV250aHdJcnhiQT09 

Tuesday, 08.45 hrs: Psalm Reciting; (this week Psalms 71-77). We will not meet at the church for this, but you might like to participate from your own home at 8.45 or some other time.

Thursday, 21.00hrs: Compline; (short evening prayer): join at: https://zoom.us/j/91386497205?pwd=YUN5dnRLOWlybHDSV250aHdJcnhiQT09 


In this time there may be people who feel especially in need of prayer either for themselves or for someone else. In 'normal' times there was a small group of people in the congregation who used to take it in turns on Sundays to be available after the service to pray for anyone in need - so, if you would like prayer or have a particular prayer request please contact Margaret Richards on  margaretanne_richards@hotmail.com  and she and the others will pray accordingly.

 A word about finance….

 Please note that in this period when we are not meeting together there is a way of giving to the church on the website, https://www.erc.amsterdam


26 June


12 June