12 May

Dear Friends,

We are drawing near to the close of the ecclesiastical Eastertide, though of course the benefits and joys of Easter do not come to an end. Ascension and Pentecost Sunday follow on from this Sunday, the sixth of Easter, and in a way complete the cycle. Thereafter we fall back into what is rather unimaginatively called “ Ordinary time”.

We have in our current readings the understanding of the writer of John’s Gospel concerning the way in which Jesus was preparing his disciples for the time when he would no longer be with them in the way he had been. It is a lengthy text, the so-called Farewell Discourses, and informs us of how eager Jesus was to reassure his friends that his departure would not be the end, but would mark the beginning of a new phase in his risen and ongoing life in the world.

Of course we all live in the post-Easter phase, but can learn much about the coming of the Spirit as it was made clear to those who lived pre-Easter, so that we too might live in the gift of the Spirit.

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

It is a challenge and a privilege to share this crucial part of the Christian calendar with you all, as together we explore its full meaning and import.

Wishing you well, in all you seek to do and be in Christ’s name,

Fiona Lillie

ERC Locum Minister 


20 May


6 May