6 May

Dear Friends,

I hope your week is going well, the weather has certainly been better. (You’ll know that we Brits always speak about the weather!)

My week kicked off with the long-awaited visit to the Rijksmuseum to view the beautiful Vermeer paintings. Despite the difficulties encountered in getting close enough and having long enough to view the paintings, it was well worth it, and I am the first to acknowledge as one who was keen to secure my precious ticket, that I am part of that particular problem. (the crowds)

This weekend there is something of a “King’s Day” happening back in the U.K. Yours was maybe just slightly less hyped than ours!

In church on Sunday we celebrate something as significant in my opinion, that being the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, or Communion. You need no special invitation or ticket, so please come and join us as we, the family of God, celebrate Christ’s presence among us in this unique way.

You will all be welcome and will find, I trust, a sense of belonging and of blessing.

Please speak to me if you know of someone who would welcome a visit, or if you would like one yourself.

With blessings and best wishes to you all,

Fiona Lillie

ERC Locum Minister 


12 May


28 April