28 April

Dear Friends,

It was good to be with you on Sunday past, and I thank you for the welcome.

Especially gratifying was the discovery of the folk who had close connections with the places (Orkney and Malawi) and with whom the themes (walking, and The Camino in particular) that I mentioned in my sermon, resonated.

As well as regular members of the congregation I was also pleased to meet many who were visitors, which testifies to the warmth of the welcome which the congregation offers. The variety of nationalities and backgrounds was inspiring, and reassuring that what unites us is our desire to draw closer to God through our love of Jesus. There is indeed no need for anyone to be considered a stranger within your walls.

While there is much that is enjoyably different about being here, I have to say that your weather, thus far, is not that different from what we have at home! Changeable. No complaints, it makes me feel at home.

I look forward to the coming weeks and look forward to better getting to know as many of you as possible. If you have introduced yourself already and on second meeting I fail to remember your name, forgive me (while I may feel young at heart, my memory sometimes differs) and remind me!

With every blessing and best wishes,

Fiona Lillie
ERC Locum Minister 


6 May


22 April