17 July

Dear Friends,

It was a great delight for me last Sunday to be leading live worship face to face with a real congregation for the first time in twenty months. Zoom has great advantages, but it cannot replace the immediacy and the sense of occasion which happens when people gather in the same place to worship God.

I am aware that this week there has been a surge in the numbers of people affected by Covid 19 in the Netherlands, but I have to applaud the Dutch people at being much more diligent in wearing masks in public transport (and in coming into Church) than is the case in the United Kingdom. However, the need to be careful was discussed on Wednesday by the Consistory who agreed that from Sunday numbers attending church will be limited to forty, and also that the congregation should wear masks inside the building. This, however, will not prohibit singing. If we can say the Lord's Prayer with a mask on, we can sing the Lord's songs with a mask on. We did this recently in Iona Abbey in the presence of both the Princess Royal and a BBC camera team. The sound was great and no one was infected. If you wish to attend church on future Sundays, please make your mind up mid-week, and make the request online. The list closes on Thursday at midnight, so the earlier you apply for a place the better.

On Wednesday evening I will be leading the Bible Study group, and giving an introduction to the book of Psalms, with particular attention to Psalm 23, arguably the world's favourite. If you wish to join on the Zoom link, details will be on the church website.

Every blessing,

Sunday, 10.30 hrs:

Morning Worship 

Please note that the service will be recorded and accessible via the ERC's Youtube channel around noon:

Wednesday, 19.30 hrs:

Bible Study on Zoom. All welcome to join us os:



In this time there may be people who feel especially in need of prayer either for themselves or for someone else. In 'normal' times there was a small group of people in the congregation who used to take it in turns on Sundays to be available after the service to pray for anyone in need - so, if you would like prayer or have a particular prayer request please contact Margaret Richards on  margaretanne_richards@hotmail.com  and she and the others will pray accordingly.

A word about finance….

Please note that in this period when we are not meeting together there is a way of giving to the church on the website, https://www.erc.amsterdam. The first Sunday of the month it is our custom to hold a collection for the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi. If you wish to make a donation please do so through the website.


24 July


10 July