24 July

Dear Friends,

What an unusual time in the world's history we are living through. It is not just the global pandemic which I refer to but a interesting clash of priorities this last week. On the one hand we have evidence of the disastrous results of climate change in Western Europe, Western Canada and the USA, Sub-Saharan African and Henan Province in China; and on the other we have a billionaire spending ten minutes in a rocket to initiate an era in space tourism to be promoted by the unaccountable trinity of Bezos, Musk and Branson. No wonder the Hebrew prophets continually exposed how the pursuit of wealth and power always comes at a cost to the earth and its weary people.

On Sunday we will bid a temporary farewell to Richard Zook who is returning to his homeland on a visit deferred from last year. Richard has far surpassed the expectations of his role as director of music in the past year and a half. For he has kept the choir going as was evident in the marvellous Christmas event they led; he encouraged and edited the early zoom recordings from the church, and, among other things, through a series of on-line concerts, he has raised a substantial amount of money for the Mulanje Mission. He deserves a good break and a great holiday. Bon voyage, Richard.

Every blessing,


31 July


17 July