18 March

Dear friends,

Thank you for inviting me back to be locum over the Easter season

It was great to be back in church on Sunday  – what a lovely welcome – and so good to see the church open again after all the lockdown restrictions during our last visit

On Tuesday lunchtime I met up with our organist and choir master, Richard Zook, to discuss the different services over the remaining Sundays of Lent, and then during Holy Week and Easter.

Glad to say all the arrangements are now in place and I hope you are looking forward to some lovely services.

With Lent being a time of reflection and self examination, I hope people will make every effort to come to church, especially if you have not been in a while.

As we know from other parts of the world, being part of a Christian community, and being able to worship together, is not something to be taken for granted. 

With Easter being a celebration of new life, this is a good time to breathe new life into your own faith, and join up again with the worshipping community of our congregation.

And as I discovered on Sunday, you can be assured of a lovely welcome

With every blessing



24 March


9 March