24 March

Dear friends,

With an adult baptism, two people joining the church, four new elders being ordained, and the Annual General Meeting at the close of the service, Sunday promises to be a full and interesting day in the life of our congregation.

Although baptism is always a special occasion, there is always something very moving for the congregation when the sacrament involves an adult.

It is also very encouraging when people want to join the church, or are willing to be ordained and become part of the leadership of the congregation. 

There is a lot happening in the life of the congregation, the ERC has a good story to tell, and something of that story will be told at the AGM.

Let me encourage you to make every effort to be at church on Sunday, partly to offer your prayers and support to the people for whom it will be a special service, but also to learn more about what has been happening during the last year, and to enjoy being part of such a lively and international congregation.

With every blessing

Locum minister


31 March


18 March