19 January

Dear Friends,

With restrictions easing just a little, I am delighted we will be able to welcome people back to church on Sunday. What a difference it will make. 

Although the online services have kept people in touch with the church, speaking to a camera lens is not nearly as good as speaking to a live congregation.

And on Sunday we will also celebrate Elijah Digber's baptism, the 8 week old son of Ivan and Naa Digber - a very special occasion indeed.

Wednesday evening's Bible study group discussed Matthew's account of Jesus' baptism. And it finished with me asking if people knew where and when they had been baptised - and what does it mean to their faith to know they are baptised?

Unfortunately with granddaughter Caterina having brought home Covid from school and passed it to her Mum, our plans to visit our Lindsey and family in Brussels this week have been cancelled.

Thankfully no-one is too badly affected and we hope they will have recovered in good time for us to visit again before our time in Amsterdam comes to an end.



27 January


13 January