13 January

Dear Friends,

On Monday afternoon Margaret and I caught the train to Haarlem and enjoyed walking around the cathedral and the old town. Two shops caught our attention. One was a gents outfitters which boasted 'We help men to be gentlemen' The second was a chocolate shop which is wonderfully named Olala Chocola. Having long despaired of the first, you will not be surprised to hear Margaret took refuge in the second shop and bought something to enjoy with her coffee after dinner.

 And earlier today Gillian Walker took us to Marken and, although there was a thick mist which never lifted, we enjoyed a lovely walk around the island with Gillian describing the lighthouse and all the things we could have seen had it not been for the mist.

 Our online Sunday services continue to attract an international audience and I have been very grateful to the people who have been in touch to say what is working well and what is not working so well.

 Given the comments received, we have decided to cut back on recorded hymns and include two live Music in Worship items - please let me know what you think? 



19 January


5 January