5 January

Dear Friends

Let me wish everyone a very good New Year and let's hope and pray 2022 proves to be a much healthier and easier year for us all.

It hardly seems possible that January has arrived and my last month as the locum minister. Although the restrictions have meant we have not been able to welcome visitors, or visit the many places we had hoped to visit, we continue to enjoy our time in Amsterdam.

In recent days Margaret and I have taken a street map and enjoyed walking to different parts of the city. I am not sure I could tell you the names of all the different areas and parks we have explored but one benefit has been the number of steps Margaret has been able to count.

Like everyone else we are hoping the restrictions will be eased a little and something of a more normal pattern of life will return.

And if we can welcome everyone back to church that would be wonderful.



13 January


29 December