20 May

Dear Friends,


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, was asked by his son to officiate at his wedding ceremony in Canterbury Cathedral. A rehearsal was held the day before the wedding and Justin Welby, who was out of practice when it came to weddings, asked the Dean of Canterbury to be present to make sure that he did everything properly. 

After the rehearsal the Archbishop asked the Dean, ‘Did I do it right?’ The Dean said, ‘As Archbishop of Canterbury you can do a wedding any way you want. But at most weddings it is customary to have vows!’ Would you believe it? The Archbishop had left out the most important thing of all. 

Well, we all do it, don’t we? We celebrate Christmas and forget the child in the manger. We celebrate Easter and forget the risen Lord. We celebrate Pentecost and forget the church all prepared for mission and service. 

Let’s all learn from the archbishop’s mistake. Let’s remember what is really important. Jesus said, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God!’ 

Denis Campbell

(Locum minister)


26 May


13 May