26 May

Dear Friends,


Malcolm Guite tells the story of a journey he made by train. He was one of many passengers forced to leave their southward bound train at York station because of a broken down train further up the track. 

All the passengers were annoyed and were standing around looking angry or sad or lost. Then something wonderful happened. There was a chuff-chuff-chuff sound and clouds of steam covered the platform and there was a shrill blast on a whistle. Into York station came The Flying Scotman pulling two old fashioned carriages and stopped with a great hissing of steam.

All at once the angry and upset people on the platform cheered up. They were all smiling and talking to each other, telling them how pleased they were to see the famous old locomotive close up and so unexpectedly. They all started taking photos and everyone was saying how beautiful the old engine is, all green and black paint with the chrome-work gleaming. 

All those people had been all caught up in themselves and in their own worries and resentments. Now they were lifted out of themselves by something beautiful from the old days. When people recognise beauty, they forget to be selfish and self-centred. No wonder then that the Palmist urges us to ‘worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.’ 

Denis Campbell

(Locum minister)


4 June


20 May