22 September

Dear Friends,


This is our last Sunday with you and Judith and I have loved every minute of being part of the ERC.  Thank you for your wonderful kindness to us.   And how fitting to end our brief visit on Harvest Sunday, when we are thankful for all of God’s goodness.  

I would have loved more time here with you, but we will leave with such a harvest of thanksgiving for the joy we’ve shared among you. We will pray that you will have greater and greater times ahead in God’s service.  I pray that you will know for sure that those who aim for the skies – are, frankly, just lacking in imagination!  Hold fast to the truth that there is no limit to God’s love and grace and who knows where that may lead.  

And please accept our humble thanks for everything. 

Best wishes,

Alan Sorensen

Locum Minister


28 September


15 September