28 September

Dear Friends,

As of this week Rev Dr George Whyte will be our locum minister. Originally from Barrhead in East Renfrewshire, George Whyte was ordained as an elder at the age of 21 and studied science and then divinity at the University of Glasgow, with a year as a police officer in between. Dr Whyte was ordained as minister of Kilchrenan and Dalvich with Muckairn in Argyll in 1981. He also served churches in Glasgow and Edinburgh. 

Rev Dr Whyte served as the Deputy Clerk to the General Assembly between 2010-2017. And he held the position of Principal Clerk to the General Assembly from 2017 until his retirement. 

We are delighted that George and Moira agreed to be with us in Amsterdam until mid November..

Best regards,

The ERC Consistory


5 October


22 September