25 November

Dear Friends,

On Thursday last week we took the train to Brussels where we spent the weekend with our daughter, Lindsey, and her family. Sadly due to all the Covid travel restrictions, we have not been able to visit for two years so you can imagine how good it was to be together again.

Lindsey has lived in Brussels for 16 years, is married to Francesco, and they have two children, 8 year old Caterina and 6 year old Alessandro.

On Sunday I was the guest preacher at Eric's church while he preached in our church. Built as a war memorial to the Scots killed in Belgium during the 1st World War, we have worshipped there on many occasions and I had the privilege of being the guest preacher in November 2018 at the service to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.

Returning to Amsterdam on Monday, much of my week has been spent preparing for Sunday and also planning - restrictions permitting - some of the Christmas services.

However, we also spent a fascinating morning at the Van Gogh museum following the story of the Potato Eaters - well worth a visit.

Hope to see you at church on Sunday when we will reintroduce a Children's address and hymn - spread the word the Sunday School is up and running again.

Russell Barr


2 December


18 November