2 December

Dear Friends,

One of my duties as locum is to lead the fortnightly Bible study and discussion group. I say it is a duty, it isn't, it is a delight, not least because I love hearing what other people have to say about a particular verse or passage and learning from their insights.

Micah 5 v2-5 was one of the passages we looked at this week, a passage which speaks about Bethlehem being one of the smallest places, yet from her will come one who is to rule Israel and whose origin is from old.

What a lovely image, something small and seemingly insignificant but yet still important and still with a part to play in God's much greater purpose.

Another duty this week was to meet with colleagues from the neighbouring Lutheran, Mennonite and Roman Catholic congregations to plan a Christmas carol service in the Singel Kerk on the afternoon of 19 December (4.00pm)

Let me encourage you to try your best to join us - and although the opportunity to worship with other Christians might seem a very small thing to do, small things are important to God

And on Thursday we are taking the train back to Brussels to join our daughter Lindsey and her family as she celebrates her 40th birthday on Friday.

It will just be the six of us,- Lindsey, Francesco, Caterina, Alessandro, Margaret and myself - small but very precious.

Russell Barr


8 December


25 November