27 March

The Lord is risen!  He is risen indeed!   

I cannot wait to share that response as we celebrate this greatest of all Christian festivals together here in the ERC. Apart from the sheer joy of proclaiming the Easter message of new life, resurrection, forgiveness, healing; of love defeating evil, life destroying death and light overcoming darkness, there is so much wonderful music to be sung and so much love in our hearts towards God to be shared.

And yet, there is just the tiny shadow for Judith and me: it is our last Sunday with you.  Next week I expect we will feel very low as we return to Scotland, to the ordinary routine. But this is the point of Easter! The disciples thought it was the end, they went back to fishing, feeling very low. And Jesus came to them, spoke peace to them, assured them that he had conquered all – and that he would be with them forever!  

So much of the joy of being with you over the past 6 weeks will never leave us. Thank you. But our prayer is also that you, as individuals and as a congregation, will continue to grow in faith, knowing that the risen power of Jesus is with you, for ever more.

With love and gratitude, farewell.

Alan & Judith 


2 June


22 March