22 March

Dear Friends,

This is the start of Holy Week, when we remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection.  Two of his disciples had one thing in common - they both betrayed him.  Why on earth did Judas sell out and turn Jesus in?  And Peter, who swore he'd never deny Jesus, why did he end up swearing he'd never met the man? Who knows, but it seems they both wanted Jesus to fulfil their idea of the messiah, they weren't willing to accept Jesus’ way of bringing in the Kingdom of God.  

It seems to me that every time I stop listening to what Jesus wants me to do, or when I try to call in Jesus to support my plans or prejudices, I betray him too.  But the difference between Judas and Peter is that Peter loved Jesus, and broke his heart at what he done, and wanted to be forgiven and try again.  

This week, I invite any who feel betrayed or who have themselves let others down, to discover that there is forgiveness and healing to be found in Jesus.  Do please, if you can, come to the special services this week as we explore Jesus’ radical love and affirmation of us.

Alan Sorensen

Locum Minister


27 March


15 March