15 March

Dear Friends,

Brussel sprouts, cod liver oil, spinach – how come the vitamins and minerals we’re supposed to need are all in the horrible food – why can’t they be in chocolate and cake?   If you’re like me, I suppose deep down we all feel God wants us to be miserable!  

But this can’t be true, surely? Quite apart from Jesus telling us that he came to give us life, and life in all its fullness, it seems to me that the God who invented something as ridiculous as the duck-billed platypus he must believe in giving us a laugh!  

Life? I believe that Life is good. Yes, there’s some tough stuff in it, that we go through and especially others in war-torn or desperately poor places. But, it’s good!  Because it is a gift from God. Which is why I think it’s no bad thing to always look for God’s hand in everything – even Brussel Sprouts!

Alan Sorensen

Locum Minister


22 March


8 March