7 October
Dear Friends,
It has been a great pleasure connecting with many people over the past couple of weeks - some old friends, some new ones. There are few congregations which welcomes the breadth of community that the ERC enjoys. One of my great joys in ministry, in Scotland, and now here again in Amsterdam, is the privilege of joining with others on the journey of faith. It’s been my privilege to share the great milestones of life, baptism, marriage and bereavement, but no less important is the daily challenge to be faithful. That is reflected in the vows we make when we join the church. The vows start by listing what Christians believe, but they end with the commitment to live and witness to Jesus Christ to the people amongst whom we live and work.
If you, or someone you know, would like to find out more about what this means, about what Christians believe, or is considering church membership, I would be glad to talk to you or them. You can speak to me or a member of Consistory on Sunday after the service, or call me at the manse - 020 6722288.
This weekend Andreas Dekker and Thijs Polstra travel to Budapest to meet with elders and ministers from other congregations in Budapest for the twice yearly International Presbytery Meeting. It is an important meeting as they draw up plans for the future of the ministry posts in the congregations. They will wrestle with the fact that not only is the church a community and a family of believers, but it’s also an organisation which has to be managed, organised and paid for. So please do pray for your elders here in Amsterdam and everyone gathering in Budapest for the Presbytery meeting.
Rev John Cowie
Locum minister