15 October

Dear Friends,

The weeks fly by and already our time back in Amsterdam is half way through. It has been a delight to make contact with so many friends, and despite the weather we have been enjoying our visits to the Beatrixpark with Molly.

Our study of 1 Corinthians on Wednesday evening involved learning about the way Christians were encouraged by the Apostle Paul to adopt the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. That’s still our priority, and it has been good to learn that a servant attitude is in action for example by collecting and delivering surplus food to a neighbourhood kitchen, by cooking for the homeless at the Kloof, in making the church hall available to AA and NA groups. These, plus of course collecting funds for Mulanje Mission Hospital, are just a few ways that we serve together. If you want to know more just ask one of the Consistory members.


Rev John Cowie

Locum minister


29 October


7 October