8 July

Dear Friends,

My wife Adrienne and I are really enjoying being here in Amsterdam. It was a great privilege for me to preach and conduct worship last Sunday and to enjoy fellowship with you around the Lord’s Table. It has been good for us to meet many of you and to get to know your names - although it is difficult to remember them all!

Names are very important. In Acts 4 v 36 we are introduced to Barnabas, whose name means ‘son of encouragement’ and he certainly lived up to his name. We all need some encouragement and we should all be encouragers. How good it is when someone gives us a word of encouragement. It spurs us on and makes us feel more positive about ourselves, and we want to make others feel the same.

Hebrews 10 v 24-25 says: “Let us consider how to inspire one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.”

No matter what our name might be, may each one of us be a ‘Barnabas’ to those whom God will bring into our paths this week.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Rev. Scott Guy

(Locum minister)


16 July


1 July