pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

11 February

Dear Friends,

Rev Dr. Graham McGeoch returned to Brazil, after serving the ERC as locum minister for three months. The coming weeks we will have different ministers and preachers leading worship…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

3 February

Dear Friends,

It is time to bid farewell. After almost three months as your locum, we return to Brazil early next week. We have enjoyed meeting so many people from the English Reformed Church, and beyond. We have kept ourselves busy with visits to museums and walks in the parks (weather permitting)…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

28 January

Dear Friends,

I was so happy to hear the Consistory read out 'the call' last Sunday. The Church of Scotland has given permission to the English Reformed Church to call a minister. It will be exciting to move forward as a congregation, and I wish you the very best as….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

21 January

Dear Friends,

Between 18-25 January, churches mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We will have a special service on Sunday 22nd January. During our service, we will be using the same prayers as our sister churches ….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

5 January

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! A new year brings new opportunities. I wonder what the year has in store for you? At the English Reformed Church (ERC), we begin the year with a series of Bible texts reflecting on childhood. The ERC, like many churches…..

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

30 December

Dear Friends,

Happy Christmas! After an extremely busy period of services at the English Reformed Church (ERC), I hope that you have been able to settle into the Christmas festivities. For some people, this will be a time of great joy; while for others, it will have been a challenging time. Please know that at the ERC there is a place for everyone….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

16 December

Dear Friends,

Advent and Christmas is such a busy time of the year for most, ministers included! I am looking forward to the Carols by Candlelight, the two Christmas Eve services, and of course, the Christmas Day service at the ERC.

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

9 December

Dear Friends,

It is now a few weeks since we arrived in Amsterdam. We are grateful for the warm welcome. Amsterdam is very different from Rio de Janeiro. I will be locum minister until early February. The Church of Scotland asks locum ministers to oversee Sunday worship and provide pastoral support. I have enjoyed working alongside….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

19 November

Dear Friends,

This week we welcome Rev Dr Graham McGeoch, who will be our locum minister until the beginning of February. Graham, a Church of Scotland minister, teaches Theology…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

12 November

Dear Friends,

It’s been a wonderful treat for my wife and I to be in Amsterdam again, and to rejoin the ERC community. It felt sometimes that we had never been away as you embraced us and included us. That’s a wonderful feature of the community in the ERC and a delight for us to share again. We have also caught up with old neighbours and tried to polish up our rusty Dutch conversational skills….

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